what's the difference between moisturized and hydrated skin

Is your skin dehydrated – what’s the difference between hydration and moisturizing skin?

by | Jul 4, 2020 | Journal, Science, Skincare, Skincare | 0 comments

The body is about 60% water, give or take.

When we think of hydration, we automatically think of drinking more water. But, that’s not the only important way to hydrate. ⁣

We should also be hydrating our skin daily. But hydration and moisturizing are two different things, so what’s the difference between the two? ⁣

The difference between hydration and moisturizing skin 

Hydration comes from drinking lots of water, eating foods that are rich in water, and feeding our skin with protective moisture. Water-based lotions and hydrators like hyaluronic acid (found in heaps in our aptly named Quench Moisturizer!) help your skin retain water! ⁣

After hydrating, using an oil-based face serum helps to lock in that much-needed moisture. Argan and jojoba oils, for example, play well together with your face’s natural oil, sebum. Our serums include both of these hydrating oils.

All these factors work together to protect the acid mantle, the barrier that protects your skin from the elements.⁣

All your cells need water

You are constantly losing water from your body. To prevent dehydration, you need to drink enough water.

Are you drinking enough water? Your cells require hydration to keep to optimal health. On average, Americans drink a little more than four glasses a day, which is far from optimal. Shortchanging yourself can affect your health, your weight — even your brainpower. Why?

Virtually every system in the body relies on H2O – water protects and hydrates our organs, transports nutrients to our cells and helps us stay energized and mentally sharp. It also balances the level of electrolytes—minerals such as sodium and potassium—in your body to keep your muscles functioning properly. says Lawrence Armstrong, Ph.D., a professor of exercise and environmental physiology at the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Connecticut to Shape Magazine.

How much water should you drink every day? 

How much water should you drink for optimal health, and optimal skin health? The Institute of Medicine has suggested a goal of 91 ounces a day for women generally – which includes the liquid you get from food. 

“The hyaluronic acid in your skin absorbs some of the water you drink,” says Doris Day, MD, a dermatologist in New York City to Shape Magazine. “This gives it some of its elasticity and vibrancy. Once the hyaluronic acid has absorbed all it can, you’ll simply pee the rest out,” Dr. Day says.

How to calculate the amount of water to drink

Your weight:

The first step to knowing how much water to drink daily is to know how much you weigh. The amount of water each person needs varies individually, based on your size. A 250-pound person and 120-pound person have different needs of water to nourish their bodies.

Multiply that number by 2/3:

Multiply your weight by 2/3 (or use 67% as the number) to figure out how much water you should be drinking. For example, if you weighed 175 pounds you multiply that by 2/3 to learn you should be drinking about 117 ounces (or 3.5 liters) of the liquid stuff every day.

If you’re extra sporty or work a physical job:

You’ll also need to adjust that number based on your activity level. When sweating, your body loses water. So people recommend you should add 12 ounces of water to your daily total for every 30 minutes that you work out. So if you work out for 45 minutes daily, you would add 18 ounces of water to your daily intake. If you work a physical job, keep sipping water all day. If it’s hot out, you’ll need to up your intake accordingly. 

How to know if you’re dehydrated

The best rule of thumb: If you pinch your skin, and it doesn’t bounce back right up, then you’re dehydrated. Also, slightly gross, but if your pee is not clear or a very pale light yellow, that means you’re not drinking enough. On your skin, dehydration can lead to dullness and dryness. 

There’s even anecdotal evidence that staying hydrated can help prevent acne breakouts, flushing out the ickies from your system and keeping everything running smoothly. 

Hydrating ingredients in skincare
Hyaluronic acid is super hydrating for skin – find it in Green Bee Botanicals Quench Moisturizer

How to keep your skin hydrated and happy

If you haven’t already, commit to hydrating your body and your skin daily. Lock that moisture in with plant-based serums from Green Bee Botanicals. You’ll be surprised how good your body and skin will feel! ⁣

Shop hydrating products at the Green Bee Botanicals store 


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